Seven Keys for Tennessee

In September 2014 I wrote here about Oak Ridge Schools’ Seven Keys for College and Career Readiness.  The Seven Keys were designed by Oak Ridge Schools superintendent Bruce Borchers working with parents, teachers, community leaders and schools leadership to measure academic progress.  I was fortunate to be a small part of that effort.  In the community meetings participants placed their ideas on peeparing students for life from kindergarten through high school on sticky notes. The notes were prioritized by Dr. Borchers and his staff with input from participants.  The points were converted to measures and aligned to requirements of Race to the Top and Tennessee’s state curriculum. The Oak Ridge Board of Education approved The Seven Keys in spring 2014.


The Seven Keys represent more than just measurement of academic progress. The Seven Keys is a vehicle to challenge our schools and school system to not just teach a curriculum but to insure curriculums are aligned to varied but specific paths to career or college where the journey begins by the third grade.  In 2009 less than 20% of Tennessee high school graduates were college ready.  At the same time some high schools were not providing alternative career paths.  Those situations are improving across the state with enhanced curriculum and accountability standards. Oak Ridge Schools has long provided career academies. Yet the process of defining The Seven Keys focused attention on students staking out paths in elementary schools snd following them through graduation. Embedded in that focus is does Oak Ridge Schools provide college and career paths aligned with industry and businesses, not just today from years into the future as third graders matriculate through graduation. Under Dr. Borchers’ leadership, education is being structured and enhanced continually, from elementary grades upward to give each student their opportunity to thrive, to dream and to reach for their individual goals. Career options have been added, working directly with industry and Roane State Community College. This year Oak Ridge High School added a career track mechatronics program but also enhanced STEM training starting in early elementary grades and individualized in middle school with digital learning.  New offerings are in the works but just being a parent I will await for the school system to finalize and announce. The main point in all of this is that The Seven Keys was designed to teach and mold every student for success in life following their interests. Thank you Dr. Bruce Borchers for your vision and leadership.

Earlier this year under the direction of their superintendent Dr. Chris Marczak and with approval of their school board, Maury County Public Schools implemented The Seven Keys.  Dr. Marczak played a role in the development of The Seven Keys in 2014 while serving as assistant superintendent, Oak Ridge Schools.


Maury County Schools have also developed partnerships with their local businesses, industry and Columbia State Community College.  The Maury County Business and Economic Alliance (Maury Alliance) has already partnered with the school system. Their motto is “Unlocking potential for all students.” That sums up the goal of The Seven Keys.  I am certain that by working together Maury County Public Schools and the Maury Alliance the paths for students will increase while strengthening the preparation of students for those paths.


I am glad another school system, under dynamic leadership, sought to use Oak Ridge’s The Seven Keys for College and Career Readiness. Still there is room for your school system to embrace The Seven Keys. I have a vision of the almost 140 public school districts of Tennessee adopting The Seven Keys or a similar set of measures.  I can even see the Tennessee Department of Education aligning The Seven Keys to curriculum and using measures of The Seven Keys as part of accountability. I can even see Tennessee investing more to use Seven Keys to unlock our state’s future.  Well I am a dreamer but why not!

Can you imagine the possibilities and the outcomes resulting from a state-wide embrace of “Unlocking potential for all students?” Seven Keys for Tennessee. Seven Keys for Tennessee’s children. Seven Keys for Tennessee’s future! 

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